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Is Vanlife all it's cracked up to be?...

Simple Living & Richness of Experience. That is the goal.

When you think of Van life, you see the amazing carefree lifestyle of endless travel, waking up to picture perfect secluded beaches and little responsibility. That doesn't account for most of our days, however the days it does account for make it all worth while.

We are currently living full time in our Van in New Zealand, while also working full time. There are many pro's and con's when living in a Van full time. In our case, the Pro's heavily outweigh the con's. We definitely have less "spare time" in our evenings as prepping for the following day takes up most of it. Our alarm goes off at 5am and we are go-go-go until our heads hit the pillow at 9pm. This includes a full days work, the gym, showering, grocery shopping, filling up our water tanks, prepping food, doing dishes, the laundromat and making our bed.

Come Friday night we are off the clock and retreat as deep into nature as we can. Not wanting to waste a moment, we still wake up when the sun rises. We fill our days with hiking, surfing, swimming, exploring, good coffee and goofing around during our evening strolls trying to capture epic content.

This lifestyle is about learning to live more with less "stuff". Living in the moment.

Since adopting a minimalist lifestyle, we have more financial freedom, we only purchase what we actually need and spend our money pursuing experiences not purchasing materialistic goods that will only enrich our lives temporarily. Having everything you own fit into a few bags is actually quite relieving. We have found happiness in the little things and don't take our time for granted anymore. It may be hard work but it sure is rewarding.

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